Editors Note: Miss Me?????
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Monday, October 03, 2011
By Aimee
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How much did you miss me lovelies??? because I missed you terribly.

As most of you guys already know I recently started a brand new job and it's been really hectic trying to get acclimated. Now that's I've found my rhythm.

well the new place is strictly business casual so I had to learn to dress for the corporate world again, and of course that meant toning down my makeup. That has been the hardest adjustment too. I'm so used to my vibrant colors. Now I' have to stick to my neutrals.

Do any of you work in offices? how do you keep your individuality with makeup while striving to maintain that professional look?

Ok Dolls, I have to go head by the copy machine and hope I don't get another paper cut. Give me some tips!!! Your advice and looks are always appreciated.

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