Review: Art Therapy
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Monday, November 30, 2015
By Aimee
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*Thanks to the PR/Brand I received this product free of charge for my  honest opinion. All reviews/opinions are my own*

As most of my friends and relatives know I suffer from a mild form of an anger management issue, as well as seasonal affected disorder. The latter is a type of depression that happens to most people when the seasons change and you are stuck indoors.

Before getting married my depression would be so bad I was put on medication to help balance me out. Thanks to my husband I have found positive outlets to keep me balanced, but lets be honest depression is an animal that is very hard to control and deal with. Like everyone I have my good days and bad.

This year especially has been a trial on my patience, my anger issues and my depression. Creativity and makeup has always been my solace to bring me back from my darkest of days. Thanks to the wonderful people over at Art Therapy for sending over a very ingenious new subscription service.

Art Therapy

Art Therapy is a monthly subscription service that combines visually stunning coloring patterns with useful insights into relaxation. Each issue features six designs carefully rated to enhance your creativity plus hints and tips that will boost your well being.

After working my regular job it has been lovely to come home take out my magazine and take a half hour to bring myself back to center. It helps me to release the stress from the day while preparing myself for my students or any makeup jobs I have set up for the evening.

The subscription is very affordable:

Get issues 1 and 2 plus your FREE pencil case for just $4.95 and no S&H . 
Get issues 2 and 3 plus your FREE magazine tidy box and FREE coloring board for the special price of $9.90 and just $1 S&H per issue. 
Each issue thereafter is $4.95 each + $1 S&H per issue. 

Art Therapy 

Every month Art Therapy even includes artist quality supplies to continue building your color set to create even more creative and stunning pieces. Each issues will come with either pencils or markers that are specially selected to add to your collection.

It really is a great value for a subscription service that will do wonders for you well being. I could not recommend a product more.

Have you tried Art Therapy? What did you think?


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